Today we're very excited to announce the launch of Freelancer Video Chat (beta). Using video chat you'll be able to establish project details far more rapidly than instant messaging. Questions, clarifications, and revisions will all be made much faster and clearer, and you'll be able to get work started sooner. We see this as a massive win for both employers and freelancers.
The Video Call is located in the Chat Window
You can find the feature in the chat box, by clicking the "more" icon, and then clicking "Video Chat (beta)". Currently this feature is only available on Firefox and Chrome on desktop browsers, and it is being progressively rolled out to our whole community over the coming weeks.
If you have any active projects then in most cases you'll be able to video chat with your freelancer or employer immediately. If you don't have any active projects then you can always post one to see how video chat changes the Freelancer experience.
Connect and Collaborate With Freelancer Video Chat.
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