Win a share of $300,000 in the Divide and Conquer Challenge! Attention linear algebra, computer science, engineering, maths, physics & optimization experts!
Freelancer.com just launched the Divide & Conquer Challenge in partnership with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and NASA Tournament Lab. In this Challenge you'll be asked to optimize their sparse matrix linear equation solver in their computational fluid dynamics models, with the chance to win your share of $300,000 USD in cash prizes.
The challenge will be broken up into two phases, with cash prizes between $15,000-$40,000 for 1st through 4th place during the phase one LESMS Challenge and prizes of $115,000 and $85,000 for 1st and 2nd place during the phase two Parallel SRH 2D Challenge!
Join us for Phase 1 and submit your new or adapted existing parallelized or parallelizable LESMS and a demonstration of its performance.
Why you should enter this exciting contest:
Who's eligible to enter? To compete in Phase 1, you will need to create or adapt an existing parallelized or parallelizable LESMS and demonstrate its performance. Phase 1 submissions will be judged on stability, convergence, and parallelism with scalable speedup. Your solver must be written in Fortran and run on a multi-core Windows desktop PC. Additionally, GPU acceleration or other speedup methods will also be considered, including any innovative LESMS solutions. GPU code must be written in either CUDA Fortran or OpenCL with a Fortran wrapper.
Up to four of the top solutions that meet the requirements will be awarded a portion of the $100,000 prize purse. If less than four solutions are selected for a prize, the prize money will be redistributed among the actual number of winners.
All Phase 1 competitors who meet or exceed benchmark stability, convergence, and parallel speedup values qualify to compete in Phase 2. © 2021 Freelancer Technology Pty Limited. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Unsubscribe | Get Support |